Everything You Need To Know For Chin Augmentation Treatment

Chin augmentation in Houston, also known as genioplasty or mentoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery designed to enhance jawline in both men and women. Though several techniques are popular, the procedure usually involves making an incision and placing a silicone implant just under the chin to create a more impressive facial profile.

The implants are available in various shapes and sizes and we will choose one that will suit you best and give your chin a natural look. Other than implants, fillers are also a popular option among those wanting to get their chin augmented without surgery.


Both men and women can undergo chin augmentation to improve their jawline. If you have a double chin, a fleshy neck, a prominent nose, a weak chin, a pointed chin, a squared chin, or a recessed chin, you can get it fixed, provided you take the services of a trusted practitioner. The procedure is often combined with liposuction of the chin and neck area to give you an even more contoured neck and jawlines.

It can also be combined with other facial procedures such as facelift or a nose job (called rhinoplasty) to improve the overall balance and shape of your face.

You need to stop smoking and taking herbal supplements or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is because some medicines and nicotine can negatively affect your recovery rate. We will provide you with pre-procedural guideline before surgery so that we can optimize your healing after surgery.

Chin augmentation surgery is generally performed under local anesthesia. We may give you some medication by mouth before surgery for pain and anxiety. An incision is made under the chin to create a pocket to hold the implant securely. The implant is placed directly over the bone and secured in place so that it does not move. Finally, incision is closed and bandages are applied.

Chin implants are permanent and long-lasting. Your skin might get affected due to aging, but the chin implant will remain the same. The recovery period is also short, lasting for about a week. Although you might feel swelling and mild discomfort for the first three or four days, you can often resume work within a week.


A successful chin augmentation starts with an important question: who will perform your procedure? Look for someone who has extensive experience in performing cosmetic surgery and can be trusted.

Nuveau Plastic Surgery offers chin augmentation services in Houston, Texas. We are experts in performing a wide range of procedures, including chin augmentation, rhinoplasty, facelift and other cosmetic procedures of the face, breast and body. You can book your appointment online here.

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