Breast Augmentation
Patient presented with history of breast augmentation 10-12 years ago, now with worsening asymmetry and pain due to implants falling below the breasts and capsular contracture. She were size C bra and was happy with the size. As such, patient underwent breast revision. Intra-operatively, she was found to have intracapsular silicone implant rupture on both sides. As such, complete capsulectomy was performed and inframammary fold was recreated on both sides to revise the implant pocket. 400 cc Mentor smooth round moderate plus profile silicone implants were inserted using Keller funnel. Inferior pole of the implant pocket was reinforced with GalaFLEX scaffold for additional support. Note the significant improvement in symmetry (note the position of the scar on the lower pole of the right breast before and after the procedure. The lower pole of the breast has been defined and symmetry was achieved. Patient was happy with the results.