Everything You Need To Know About Facelift Surgery

Many patients in their 40s and 50s develop wrinkles and fine lines on their face, neck, and hands due to factors like exposure to the sun, pollution, stress, smoking, and lack of sleep. In addition, the natural aging process leads to sagging skin and volume changes that create aged and tired appearance. There are several ways to improve the overall appearance of your face as these changes occur. Non-surgical options have become very popular as they do not require downtime associated with surgery. These options include but are not limited to botulinum toxin (Botox) for wrinkles, soft tissue fillers for volume restoration and energy-based devices to tighten your skin. Although these are great options, facelift remains the gold standard in facial rejuvenation by reversing the signs of aging while creating gentle, natural and long-lasting results. All non-surgical or minimally invasive procedures attempt to reproduce what facelift does.

If you are wondering whether facelift is the right procedure for you, read this post to learn more about facelift.


Facelift, also called rhytidectomy, addresses changes that occur in your mid-face (the area around the cheeks) and your neck (necklift). It is important to note that there is no fit-for-all approach to facelift as the requirements of every face are different. Your board-certified plastic surgeon would be the best person to tell you about an individualized solution.

Facelift involves very few or short incisions under cover of the hairline and around the ears. Depending on the case, there may be a small incision underneath your chin. The surgeon will rearrange the underlying muscles and other deep layers of facial tissues as well as tighten the skin and removes excess tissue. This results in a more toned and youthful contour.

Facelift is often combined with fat grafting to restore volume in central portion of your face where volume is lost over time (such as cheeks and laugh lines). It can also be combined with liposuction (to remove volume), browlift (to address sagging brows) or eyelid surgery (to rejuvenate the eyes).


Target many signs of aging in one procedure: A facelift treats issues like sagging skin, deep wrinkles and creases between the nose and mouth, double chin, and problems associated with excess fat in one procedure.

Tighten and redefine your neck: An aging face could lead to turkey neck and multiple chins, causing embarrassment and discomfort to the patients. A face and neck lift helps eliminate this problem.

Get a tighter jawline: Facelift is the most effective procedure to eliminate jowls and facial creases.

Long-lasting results: The effects of a facelift can last up to ten years.

There is no right age to get a facelift: The most common age group for people to undergo this surgery is in the 50s and 60s; however, there is no right age for this procedure.


Anesthesia: The procedure can be performed both under general anesthesia or twilight anesthesia. With general anesthesia you are completely put to sleep in a hospital setting. Twilight anesthesia involves a combination of twilight sedation and a local anesthetic and is performed in an office setting. Twilight sedation involves medications to make the patient sleepy and comfortable.

Surgical time: Surgery typically takes between 4-6 hours and depends on whether other procedures (such as fat grafting, liposuction, browlift, eyelid surgery) are performed.

Recovery time: The immediate recovery period is between 1-2 weeks. After the surgery, the sutures are generally removed after seven days.

Pain: Since this procedure requires minimal incisions, the post-procedure pain or discomfort is minimal in most patients. However, you will get bruising and swelling, which can take up to 2 weeks to go away.

Please consult a board-certified plastic surgeon for any other questions or concerns.


Nuveau offer s a full range of services, including facelifts, rhinoplasty, breast augmentation and lifts, liposuction, Brazilian butt lift, Mommy makeovers, Botox & fillers for men and women. Our team of experts includes Dr. Edward I. Lee, a highly trained board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon. With offices in Houston, TX, our goal is to make all of our patients feel comfortable, confident, and at ease.

You can contact us when you need the best facelift treatment in Houston, TX. For more information, call us at (713) 526-1220 or book an appointment here.

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