Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF)

The Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) technique is 100% autologous rejuvenation technique that exhibits substantial progress from the well-established PRP (or Platelet-Rich Plasma) technique, where growth factors are all released only for a few minutes after treatment.

It uses the most advanced blood concentrate technology to generate a fibrin matrix rich in platelets, leukocytes, and mesenchymal stem cells. This process results in the constant release of growth factors and interleukins for 10-12 days, accelerating tissue healing and skin regenerating processes. PRF is all-natural. There is no coating, additive, or anticoagulant present in the tubes, and it is proven to release a higher concentration of growth factors for a longer period of time.

PRF can be used alone or with collagen induction therapies and is used to treat the following:

1) Hair loss

2) Dark circles

3) Acne scarring, keloid scars

4) Wrinkles and fine lines

5) Tissue rejuvenation

6) Volume loss and symmetry adjustment

At Houston based Nuveau Plastic Surgery, we offer our patients PRF for a complete autologous filling as an alternative to synthetic solutions.   The PRF procedure is typically performed in a series of 3 sessions after which the patient will notice improved skin quality and elasticity, as well as more collagen stimulation in the areas injected.

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