All-natural facial rejuvenation procedures are increasing in demand, yet patients have had very few options available, until now.  Nuveau Plastic Surgery is proud to carry PRF ezGEL, an autologous regenerative gel that uses the body’s own powerful proteins for skin rejuvenation. We now can provide treatments to patients who desire natural, highly concentrated treatments for skin regeneration with little to no downtime.

ezGEL is a 100% natural solution that comes from the patient’s own blood and offers an extended release of growth factors and biostimulation from Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF). This unmodified gel solution is obtained by isolating beneficial cells and growth factors in harvested plasma; which comes from a simple blood draw done in our office.  Our practitioners will then heat and then cool this enriched concentrate to create a natural and smooth biostimulating gel.

It can be used for patients who desire a boost to their skin and can address concerns including undereye circles and hollows, or an aged and tired appearance.

At Houston based, Nuveau Plastic Surgery, we recommend a series of three treatments in order to optimize your treatment outcome.


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