Breast Reduction

About Breast Reduction Surgery

Women with excessively large breasts may experience both social and functional concerns. In addition to overly large breasts creating self-image issues and embarrassment, they can cause physical pain and discomfort. Dr. Edward Lee is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has helped countless Houston area women regain their confidence and live an active lifestyle through breast reduction surgery. This cosmetic procedure removes excess breast tissue and reshapes the breast to a smaller size. It also reduces the size of the nipple and areola and repositions them so they look natural to the new breast size. In many cases, a lift is incorporated to give the breasts a youthful, firmer appearance.

Ideal Candidates

If you have very large breasts that get in the way of daily life, a breast reduction surgery may help you attain the figure you desire. Breast reduction is ideal if you experience emotional discomfort, or are unable to lead an active life that may include exercise and certain activities because the weight of your breasts are too heavy. In addition, if you have skin irritations, neck or back pain due to the heaviness of your breasts, this surgery can help eliminate these problems. It is important that you are of a healthy weight, have realistic expectations, and that you choose an experienced surgeon who not only understands your goals, but has the skill to create a breast that fits your frame and creates a natural outcome.

Surgical Techniques

A breast reduction is performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure. Several factors will be considered including the incision type, the breast lift technique, and the degree of nipple/areola reconstruction. In addition, liposuction may be used to help remove breast tissue. With all of these factors taken into consideration, along with the size of reduction needed, surgery could take between 2 — 4 hours. During the consultation, all of these factors will be discussed. It is common to be concerned about scarring. For a breast reduction, depending on the complexity and size of the reduction, an anchor incision (inverted-T) or a vertical incision will be made. It is through this incision that the breast tissue is removed, the remaining tissue is pulled and lifted, and the size of the areola reduced to match the new, smaller breast.

What To Expect

Once surgery has been completed, you will be monitored closely and released home to recover. Most patients are sent home with a thin tube-like drain that is placed under the skin to help drain and control fluid and bleeding that may occur. The breasts will appear constricted and a medical support bra will be worn for a few days. It takes about a month for the breasts to settle and for the swelling and post-operative effects to diminish. Most of our patients remark that they feel lighter and relief almost immediately, even with the post-operative recovery. Once the breasts are healed and the scars have softened and lightened, the majority of symptoms you had prior to surgery, will be significantly reduced if not eliminated all together. You will be able to wear the clothes you desire and feel confident with your new figure. It is important to maintain a healthy body weight so the surgical outcomes are not compromised.

Smaller Breasts, Larger Life

We have helped countless women reclaim their health and live a fuller life as a result of smaller breasts created through breast reduction surgery. During your consultation, we will discuss all of the options for improvement and work together to create a custom treatment plan to fit your medical and aesthetic goals. We invite you to call our office and learn more about this outstanding body contouring procedure.

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