Arm Lift

About Arm Lift Surgery

One of the most frustrating things about losing weight or getting older is dealing with loose skin. At our plastic surgery office, we offer arm lift surgery, or brachioplasty, as a surgical intervention for patients who cannot seem to tighten and tone this area of the arm with diet and exercise. Lax skin from the elbow to the upper arm is very common, especially for men and women who have lost weight or are advancing in age. Dr. Edward Lee, Houston, TX plastic surgeon, is very experienced in skin tightening and fat removal procedures, and offers private consultations for arm lifts. If you would like to learn more about how an arm lift can change the appearance of your arms, please call and schedule a consultation today.

Ideal Candidates

An arm lift is a cosmetic surgery using innovative techniques to slim the arm, and take years off the skin’s lax appearance. If you are self-conscious about your flabby arms, and want them to look healthy and fit again, you are a good candidate for this procedure. Of course, you also need to be in good health so that the surgery will heal well. All your questions and concerns will be answered in a consultation with our plastic surgeon.

Some of the key indicators for an arm lift patient are loose, hanging skin on the upper arms, and lost elasticity of the skin. Also keep in mind, the best candidate for an arm lift is at their ideal, goal weight.

Surgical Technique

Most likely, your arm lift surgery will take place in an out-patient setting, unless multiple plastic surgeries are being performed at the same time. An arm lift can be combined with other procedures (usually performed in an in-patient setting for monitoring), such as tummy tucks, mommy makeovers, and thigh lifts, if it deemed appropriate. An arm lift is performed under a general anesthesia, and may take several hours to complete. The excessive skin will be excised from the elbow all the way up to the underarm. The incision will be made as inconspicuous as possible, but will most likely leave a visible scar. If liposuction is needed to remove stubborn fatty deposits, this will be performed as well. Once the skin is tightened, it will be sutured back into place. You will need to keep the incisions clean, bandaged, and wrapped with compression garments.

What To Expect

Your recovery period should be last about 2 weeks, with lots of arm elevation, rest, and allowing yourself time to heal. You use your arms for everything, and many of our brachioplasty patients ease their way back into their normal routines. A suture removal appointment will be set for approximately 10 days after surgery. Compression garments should be worn until you are released from this treatment. For at least a month (4 – 5 weeks), all exercise should be avoided, with the exception of taking short walks. If you experience excessive swelling, bleeding, hematoma (fluid build-up), infection, loss of feeling in the arms or hands, or heavy scarring, please call our office for assistance.

Get Back Your Shape

Whatever you call your “bat wings” or the droopy skin on your arms, we call it an opportunity to change your life with plastic surgery. If you are at your goal weight, and still cannot lose the flab and skin that hangs from your upper arms, please call and schedule a private consultation. Look younger and fitter with brachioplasty.

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