Profound RF (Skin Tightening)®
Profound RF is used for the treatment of skin laxity and fullness under the jawline. It is used to contour the lower face and neck.  Patient presented desiring improvement in contour of her neck. The excess fatty tissue here persisted despite patient’s effort to lose weight. In addition, she had some existing loose skin. In these patients, liposuction alone is NOT an option because you will be left with even more loose skin. As such, a combination treatment was recommended and she underwent suction-assisted lipectomy (liposuction) to improve the contour of her neck and the under chin (submental) area and Profound RF (radiofrequency microneedling) to tighten the skin non-surgically. The procedure was performed in the office under local anesthesia. The results are immediately evident but improve over next few weeks as swelling settles.
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Profound RF (Skin Tightening)